Registration page will be announced later.

IDA aims at being an accessible symposium by keeping the registration fees low. Moreover, it traditionally encourages students to participate in the symposium and therefore offers special students rates. Early registration deadline is TBD.

Registration Fees (Tentative)

Registration FeesEarly (deadline: TBD)Late
Student rate*TBDTBD
Full rate**TBDTBD
  • Registration is only possible through our registration website.
  • Registration is non-refundable under any circumstances.
  • Registration fees are to be paid in Euro.
  • Please indicate special requirements w.r.t. food and mobility during the registration process.

Formal invitation letters to the symposium will be sent only to people whose work has been accepted for presentation at the conference, and only on explicit request.

* To be eligible for the strongly reduced student rate, students (BSc / MSc / PhD) need to provide a link towards an institutional website that clearly mentions them as students; if you are not mentioned on such a website, please send proof of being a student in PDF format to the General chair.

The registration fees include:

  • all sessions
  • coffee breaks
  • lunches
  • social events: opening reception and banquet dinner